Sunday, July 29, 2012

New adventure

We have had a fun-filled summer of tire swings, climbing trees, and swimming.  We have one last trip to go on before we start school again.  The boys are going to continue homeschooling next year and we will continue using Bob Jones.  We also are doing the Basic Training for the boys to become ALERT Cadets.  

We are in the process of getting ready to move and we will be buying our first house!  This is so exciting and I can't wait.  I am ready to Pinterest my house!  There is an AMAZING church in the town we are moving to.  That is the best part of all.  

One of the new things the boys and I will be doing is gardening.  We have wanted to for years and now we will be able to.  I also want to learn to can our own foods.  The ultimate goal of all of this is to eat healthy and more natural, save money and pay off debt.  This is a good learning experience for all of us.  

Some of my favorite recipes are from The Pioneer Woman.  I have thought about cooking through her cookbooks like Julia and Julia.  I probably will. :)

Archer just turned 3 and Grant turns 11 this week.  Where does the time go?  That reminds me that I need to do their yearly surveys of favorites and such.  That will be in the next post.