Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Today Archer turned two! I can't believe my warrior man is already growing up. It seemed like only yesterday we were in the hospital with him and unsure of what his future held. He is such a blessing in so many ways. He is SO DIFFERENT than his brothers, but they are all different from each other because God created them that way. Archer loves for things to be in order. He loves to be wherever we are, but if he decides to try something adventurous he just goes for it. Every day is a new adventure with him. He enjoyed his birthday party so much. He loved having new toys that he knew belonged to him. Everything he usually plays with belongs to his brothers. It is sweet to see him take care of his stuff.

This past weekend I took a 5 day vacation to be by myself. I have never been away from my family that long, but it was worth it. It is so amazing the things that I heard from God during that time and just getting to feel relaxed without any responsibility. I do not bemoan this season of my life of responsibility, but for the first time I went guilt free and I came back so full of joy and refreshed. I was praying as I drove home, "Lord, please help me to stay full of peace and joy so it overflows onto my children and husband. How do I do that Lord?" The next thing I know a song on the radio came on. It was a song by Steven Curtis Chapman called "Do Everything". I had never heard it before. I don't get to listen to the radio much. It was just the answer I needed...

Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

1 Corinthians 10:31
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

If we can keep God our first priority in everything we do our hearts seem to follow and the fruits of the spirit pour out.

1 comment:

  1. Liberty, I miss you!!! Are you coming to R/C soon I hope??

    Happy Birthday, Archer!!! Big 2 years old!!!

    Five days away. How wonderful that sounds. Your prayer driving home seems to be my constant prayer lately, and oh, how I struggle. So often it seems I just grump throughout my days without stopping and thanking the Lord for my beautiful children and what a privilege I have to be their mama!!

    Thanks, Liberty!!
